創作人:John Yu, ALice Yu, Ming-Wei Kuo
智財權:US 9255130
The invention relates to the identification and characterization of novel Puf-A genes and related proteins in zebrafish, mice and humans. The genes are shown to play an important role in the development of eyes and germ cells. Puf-A expression is detected primarily in retinal ganglion cells and regulates their proliferation. Since progressive degeneration of retinal ganglion cells precedes neuronal loss in many eye diseases such as glaucoma, Puf-A genes and related proteins may serve as the targets of therapies for eye diseases and blindness, such as age-related ophthalmological disorders. In addition, Puf-A is also a key regulator for the migration of primordial germ cells and the maturation of germline stem cells. Therefore, Puf-A genes and related proteins have important implications for assisted reproductive medicine.
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